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Sermons from August 2020
Back to Sermon ArchiveAugust 30, 2020
The Blessed Pilgrim (Psalm 128)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 128:1–6
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August 26, 2020
Unless the Lord Builds This House (Psalm 127)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 127:1–5
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August 23, 2020
Lord, Restore Our Fortunes (Psalm 126)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 126:1–6
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August 19, 2020
The Lord Surrounds His People (Psalm 125)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 125:1–5
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August 16, 2020
Our Help is in the Lord (Psalm 124)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 124:1–8
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August 16, 2020
The Vineyard Fortified
Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Matthew 21:33–46, Isaiah 5:1–7
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August 12, 2020
Grace for the Journey (Psalm 123)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 123:1–4
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August 2, 2020
The Journey's Mindset (Psalm 122)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 122:1–9
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August 2, 2020
Kept in the Journey (Psalm 121)
Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: A Walk Through the Psalms Passage: Psalm 121:1–8
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