We cannot over emphasize our convictions at Diamond Hill about the foundational importance of prayer. We believe that nothing truly effective and of eternal value can be accomplished apart from prayer! This conviction is demonstrated most clearly through our prayer Ministry. Through this ministry we connect many of our members who have committed themselves to faithful and earnest prayer for every need expressed or known within the fellowship of Diamond Hill and without. Every member of Diamond Hill is added to a prayer schedule by which each member is prayed for specifically during the week. Testimonies abound within our fellowship from those experiencing difficult times as to how they could sense the covering of these prayers. Our prayer team coordinator provides a list for church-wide distribution each Sunday morning with all the known requests of that week thus enlisting every member in our prayer efforts. Through this vital ministry, the Lord is continuing to make us a “praying church” rather than a church in which a few persons pray. There is much work to be done at Diamond Hill as we live and grow and learn to minister more effectively for the Kingdom of our God and there is no more important place to be connected to that work than the Ministry of Prayer. Our prayer team meets on the last Monday afternoon of the month at 2:00 PM.
For additional Information, questions, or prayer requests see our Prayer Ministry