Times & Directions Give

Following Christ, without reservation!

Sunday Worship -11:00am & 6:00pm

Sunday School - 9:45am

Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer - 7:00pm

Church Address

2320 East Broad Street

Statesville, NC 28625


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Diamond Hill Baptist Church is a congregationally ruled church with Elder/Deacon Leadership.  We are an autonomous local assembly of the Body of Christ affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the North Carolina Baptist State Convention (NCBSC) and the South Yadkin Baptist Association (SYBA).


Vocational Elders:

Larry Holleman - Pastor for Preaching and Vision        Larry Holleman            pastor@diamondhillchurch.com   



Volunteer Elders:

Ron Clines - 

Bryan Sherrill - 


Adminstrative Staff:

Church Secretary (Office)                                                office@diamondhillchurch.com