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Following Christ, without reservation!

Sunday Worship -11:00am & 6:00pm

Sunday School - 9:45am

Wednesday Night Bible Study & Prayer - 7:00pm

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2320 East Broad Street

Statesville, NC 28625


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Sermons from Isaiah

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December 3, 2023

The Light of Hope - Part 1

Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 9:1–7

January 8, 2023

God's Abiding Presence

Passage: Exodus 3:12, Judges 6:16, 2 Chronicles 20:17, Psalm 23:1–6, Isaiah 43:2, Jeremiah 42:11, Haggai 1:13, Zephaniah 3:17, John 14:16, Judges 15:31–32, Revelation 22:21

August 21, 2022

Jesus Majestic Fury

Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: God in the Flesh Passage: John 2:13–25, Psalm 69:1–36, Isaiah 56:7, Malachi 3:1–2

September 12, 2021

Humbled but Hopeful (9/11 Remembrance)

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Isaiah 40:1–31

March 28, 2021

The Forbidden, Forgotten Text

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Matthew 21:1–17, Isaiah 53:1–12

November 29, 2020

The Light of Hope

Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 9:1–7

August 16, 2020

The Vineyard Fortified

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Matthew 21:33–46, Isaiah 5:1–7

June 28, 2020

God Has Spoken

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Hosea 4:1–6, 2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12, John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3:16–17, Psalm 119:105, Isaiah 55:6–11, John 1:14, Luke 4:4, Romans 15:1–6

May 10, 2020

When Suffering Informs

Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: To the Church in Quarantine Passage: Isaiah 64:1–7

January 19, 2020


Passage: 1 Samuel 2:2, Isaiah 57:15, Leviticus 11:44–45, Deuteronomy 10:12–13, Romans 7:1–25, Romans 3:9–26

March 17, 2019

To Whom Will the Lord Look?

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Isaiah 66:1–2

March 13, 2019

Mercy's Call (Part 2)

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Isaiah 55:1–13, 1 Corinthians 1:16– 2:10

March 10, 2019

Mercy's Call (Part 1)

Speaker: Larry Holleman Passage: Isaiah 55:1–13

December 2, 2018

The Light of Our Hope

Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 9:1–7

October 28, 2018

Seeing God for Who He Is

Passage: Isaiah 6:1–13

May 27, 2018

What Are We Seeking?

Passage: Isaiah 64:1– 65:2

December 3, 2017

The Light of Hope

Speaker: Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 9:1–7

March 22, 2017

Waiting Upon the Lord

Speaker: Passage: Psalm 25:1–5, Psalm 25:21, Psalm 37:7–9, Psalm 37:34, Job 40:1, Psalm 62:1–6, Psalm 106:11–15, Isaiah 40:27–41, Lamentations 3:25, Acts 1:4, Exodus 40:36–38, Numbers 14:39–45, 1 Samuel 13:8–14, John 11:5–6

March 12, 2017

Before You Go

Speaker: Passage: Isaiah 6:1–13

December 18, 2016

The Light of Love

Speaker: Larry Holleman Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18–23, Isaiah 9:6–7, Luke 1:26–33, 1 John 4:7–8, 1 John 4:19, 1 John 4:9, Romans 5:8–11

October 16, 2016

Why Joy in Suffering is Reasonable

Speaker: Passage: a:15:{i:0;s:7:"Matthew";i:1;s:7:"Matthew";i:2;s:6:"Romans";i:3;s:7:"Matthew";i:4;s:7:"Matthew";i:5;s:7:"1 Peter";i:6;s:7:"Hebrews";i:7;s:13:"2 Corinthians";i:8;s:7:"1 Peter";i:9;s:7:"1 Peter";i:10;s:7:"Hebrews";i:11;s:7:"1 Peter";i:12;s:6:"Isaiah";i:13;s: a:15:{i:0;s:4:"5:11";i:1;s:5:"10:24";i:2;s:4:"8:16";i:3;s:4:"5:10";i:4;s:4:"5:12";i:5;s:4:"4:13";i:6;s:4:"12:2";i:7;s:4:"12:9";i:8;s:4:"4:14";i:9;s:4:"4:12";i:10;s:4:"127:";i:11;s:4:"2:19";i:12;s:5:"53:10";i:13;s:3:"5:2";i:14;s:4:"8:35";} –a:15:{i:0;s:1:":";i:1;s:5:"10:25";i:2;s:4:"8:17";i:3;s:1:":";i:4;s:1:":";i:5;s:1:":";i:6;s:1:":";i:7;s:1:":";i:8;s:1:":";i:9;s:1:":";i:10;s:5:"12:11";i:11;s:4:"2:20";i:12;s:5:"53:11";i:13;s:1:":";i:14;s:4:"8:39";}

September 25, 2016

God Knows

Speaker: Passage: Isaiah 40:1–31

December 20, 2015

The Prince and Price of Our Peace

Speaker: Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 9:6–7, Ephesians 2:14, Isaiah 52:7, Luke 1:79, Luke 2:14, Isaiah 53:5, John 16:33, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:14, John 14:27, Philippians 4:4–7, Acts 10:36, Matthew 5:9

December 13, 2015

The King's Coming Brings Joy

Speaker: Series: Advent Passage: Isaiah 61:1–11, Luke 4:14–21, Luke 2:8–14