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A Different Perspective on the LGBT Rainbow

The Social Media sites exploded this past Friday and throughout the weekend following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision regarding marriage with a multitude of...shall we say...less-than-humble, spike-the-ball...victory lap comments from the supporters of gay "marriage." And to be quite frank, the posts of many who were displeased with Court’s decision were no less caustic; many of which were posted by professing Christians. While I spent little time reading these various posts concluding that productive discussion was not the purpose of any, one post in particular did stand out. Actually there were no comments attached to it, just an image. At first I thought it might be just a clever photo shopped image of the Whitehouse awash in the colors of the rainbow. I later learned that it was not. This was perhaps the most disturbing post I saw. Someone devoted considerable time to setting up this elaborate light display, and almost certainly some official authorization was required from the Secret Service and the present Administration. I was deeply disturbed to see the Whitehouse....the People’s House...draped in the rainbow colors of the LGBT movement, especially since slightly more than one percent of US citizens represent themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual or Trans-Gender. And especially so in light of the very recent controversy over, and ultimate removal of the Confederate Flag from the South Carolina State House. While it’s true that polls suggest that a small majority of US citizens do support the Court’s decision, there remains a significant minority who do not. The decision to allow such a blatant display over the People’s House was at best insensitive and at worst, outright divisive and antagonistic and actually served to further deepen the moral schism in this nation. Perhaps more intriguing to me however was the choice of the rainbow as a symbol by the LGBT community. I’m sure, although I’ve not researched the matter, that it says something to them about diversity and unity, or perhaps even beauty. Some posts from supporters even suggested that there was "a double rainbow" that appeared over the Whitehouse immediately following the announcement of the Court’s decision (Unconfirmed) and that this was a "sign" of God’s approval or blessing of the Court’s decision and of the LGBT community’s agenda in general. Undoubtedly, the latter of these were contemplating the "rainbow" from a theological perspective, associating it with the Rainbow displayed to Noah and his family following the Flood. I found it interesting that they would perceive the rainbow, in a theological context, as a token of God’s approval, for that was certainly not the context of Noah’s rainbow. If they would recall, the "rainbow" appeared to Noah initially and from that time forward as a reminder of God’s mercy. Mercy is not synonymous with endorsement! Mercy, as someone has said, is "not getting punitively what you deserve." That’s exactly what the original rainbow would have meant to Noah. Yes, Noah was a Godly man, but he was not a sinless man, as is indicated by his drunkenness shortly after his having made landfall. The Rainbow demonstrated that Noah’s survival and that of his family was the result of God’s mercy, not of his or their righteousness. Further, it was a reminder of, and directly connected to the flood that preceded it, in which all of life excepting that which was secured in the Ark was destroyed. The Rainbow would have reminded Noah that God is a just God and that sin has devastating consequences and that only the mercy of God can preserve sinful men from those consequences. Any child with a water hose and a sunny day can quickly learn that a rainbow is the result of a precise relationship between sunlight and water vapor or mist. Get the relationship of the two right and the beautiful spectrum we call a rainbow is displayed. This itself is significant in that the rainbow Noah observed was a result of the mixture of the water vapor remaining following the flood and the sunlight...a "natural phenomenon" ordained by nature’s God. If Noah had eyes to see...and I think he did...he realized that the rainbow’s promise was described by the rainbow itself . The elements of both Judgement and Mercy were on display. The water vapor was the remnant of the floods that were brought upon the earth and humanity as a result of their corruption and sin. The sunlight was representative of the Light of God...the mercy by which Noah and his family were spared. Every Bible student will immediately recall that Jesus Christ said, "I am the Light of the World." So then, I suggest that Noah’s rainbow was God’s assurance to Noah (and us) that while the earth would never again suffer God’s judgement by flood there yet remained a judgement to come, but in mercy, a deliverance from that judgement would be provided through Jesus, the Light of the world. And that only a right relationship between this "Light" and the "judgement" to come would secure the deliverance of sinful men.

Perhaps this is the "sign" given to the LGBT community and all of us in their unwitting if not ill informed choice of the rainbow as their symbol. Perhaps in the providence of our Merciful God, He has proclaimed and is proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them in the very symbol they have chosen for a movement in defiance of Him. Perhaps their choice to wash the People’s House with the colors of the rainbow is the Lord’s call to to the people to escape the coming judgement by flying to the mercy provided through our "Ark" Jesus Christ.... the Light of the World.

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